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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Pickle Juice

Four months pregnant! So here I am, out of my first trimester, and things are still looking rather bleak. I am still rather nauseous most of the time and it's sleep I mostly crave. You can definitely see the bump of my belly now, I'm not imagining it because my regular jeans no longer fit! Now that they've given me this medicine that helps me keep food down, I am enjoying the strange pregnancy cravings. Yes, I do drink pickle juice from the jar. Yes, it does make Jimmy gag.

Here is were I spent most days of the last few months. This sleeping bag was a Christmas gift from Mom and Dad Vee, and it has so far gotten much use! During entire month of January, and most of February, my days were spent practically plastered on the couch, trying not to move. I was weak because I couldn't keep food down, not even water and crackers! My best friends were Ellen and Oprah. I'm not sure how Jimmy survived those months because I don't remember cooking or cleaning anything. I just remember seeing the inside of the sleeping bag!

The Bump!

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