Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Four Weeks Old

Sampson James turned 4 weeks old yesterday. Almost a month old... the time has raced by! All three of us are doing well. We like to think we're falling into a routine, but really Sampson is the boss and we do whatever he tells us to do. He's running the show right now. Hopefully, this will not continue into his teenage years! This week was not too busy, mostly just he and I running errands and snuggling at home. He behaves very well when we are out. We have been to the fabric store, to the copy shop, and two different Mommy's Groups this week. Yesterday we went to a pig roast and he loved being outside for a few hours. We also made our first visit to church this morning and he was awake and happy for most of the morning. We have a social kid! Here are some photos from this week.

Sampson yawns like a lion.

He loves to watch out the back window when we are driving. However, because his is so young, his attention span is only about 10 minutes. If he doesn't fall asleep inside of those 10 minutes, he cries for the remainder of the car ride! Luckily, we have a diesel so the engine is rather loud. It seems to lull him to sleep well. He also likes listening to Les Miserables, particularly disk 1.

Sampson makes this face when he poops! My mother tells me I had a similar BM expression. We don't want to give him a complex so we try not to laugh every time he poops, but look at this face! This is one for the yearbook.

He just loves being outside. The weather is lovely in Delaware right now so we spend as much time outside as we can. We usually go out for a while in the morning after Dad goes to work, and then in the afternoon before we nap during Oprah. On several occasions, he's been so upset at 5am that we go for a short walk outside. The combination of walking and the outdoor air usually calms him right down. I'm not sure what we're going to do when it turns to winter!


Anonymous said...

these pictures of sammy are so cute and funny. i can't wait to see him he's grown so much.

Colleen said...

sk! the poop face is HYSTERICAL! i can't stop laughing :-)

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!!! He is just the cutest thing ever. It was nice to see all the pictures. As promised, here is the link to my blog.

Nicole from Good Shepherd