Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, October 1, 2007

Fall in Delaware

The weather has become a comfortable cool, even in the bright sun that Sampson loves. We've been taking lots of walks and running around town. Sammy is very well-behaved in public! We spent Saturday morning running errands on Main Street, and concluded the outing with a tea and bagel at our favorite coffee shop. We also spent an evening at the bookstore this week. Great Mom-mom gave us a gift card for the Borders so that we could start Sampson a library. Jimmy and I love to read so it is very important to us that Sampson learns to love books as well. We've covered the classics like Where the Wild Things Are, Goodnight Moon, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Sampson is fortunate enough to have others in his life who gave him the gift of literature... like Auntie Teeners brought him On the Day You Were Born, and Nouno Jimmy S brought Zen Shorts, and some Eric Carle books. Sammy likes books though he is more interested in the printed words than the picture right now because of the contrast. We read a book everyday, though we usually don't quite make it through the entire book!

Great Grandma and Great Gramps have returned from Scotland! They were so sad when they realized they'd be away when Sampson was born and assured me they would stop here as soon as they got off the ship! They took the Queen Mary 2 over and back from their two month stay. Sounds like they had a great time but they are happy to be back. They fell in love with Sampson as soon as they laid eyes on him. Here is Great Grandma in her first moments with him.

October is here! That means pumpkins! Great Mom-mom gave Sampson a silly pumpkin hat which I obviously had to get pictures of. It matches his orange gDiaper perfectly. This weekend, we are going to Milburn Orchards to take pictures of real pumpkins. But they won't be as cute as this one...

Sampson will be baptized this coming weekend and we are very excited about him entering the Christian community. He's been to church twice and rather enjoyed the music and Rev. Jay's booming voice. I'm working on an outfit for him to wear, though it's much more difficult to sew with a baby in a sling hanging from my shoulder. Nouno Jimmy S will be his Godfather. I realize that I have thus far failed to post any pictures of the wise Mr. Sarakatsannis. So here are some pictures to pay the proper homage. We are thrilled that Sampson will have his Nouno to give him love and guidance as he makes his way through life.

Today was a beautiful day so we got dressed up and took some pictures outside. I love a man in khakis and a white shirt...

Sammy is smiling more these days. He will smile if I tickle his neck or kiss his cheek, but he is undecided about raspberries on the belly. It's hard to catch because he only smiles at faces, not at the camera. But he has two dimples on his left cheek! We can't wait until he smiles more because he is happy... and not just because he passed gas.

Sampson found his thumb this week! He's been searching for about two weeks now and usually ended up sucking the knuckle. Yesterday, he managed to hook his thumb with his cheek and he sucked away. Unfortunately, because of his poor motor control, he startled and moved his arms.

I mean come on... this kid is a looker.


Anonymous said...

Oh My God- is he a cutie or what???
We live for these weekly pictures, and check the blog every Monday!!
Can't wait to get our hands on him this weekend-- Back Off Everybody else!!!!!!!
Mom and Laura
( and Dad and Chris of course)

Terra Cotta said...

Haha SK--that last one looks like a Baby Gucci ad. :D Good job.