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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baptism Weekend

Sampson was welcomed into the Episcopal Church on Sunday with family and friends there to support him. The entire Powers clan ventured down to our little state for the first time since the wedding! Captain Powers finally got to see where we live and what we do down in Delaware. They arrived around lunchtime on Saturday and they immediately scooped Sampson into their arms and began passing him around. Luckily, he was well rested and had a great time with them.

After a gourmet lunch at Jake's (Delaware's finest burger joint), we went over to Milburn Orchards to pick out a pumpkin and drink cider. It was a very hot day and very crowded, but we managed to find the perfect pumpkin and take some fun pictures in the shade.

Sunday was the Baptism at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. Sunday morning, we dressed Sampson in the outfit Oma (that's me) made him for this special occasion. It turned out quite nicely (thanks to Nana who fixed the final details the night before!).

The ceremony was so lovely since Jimmy and I were confirmed in the same service as his baptism. We entered the church as a family and it was a beautiful thing! It was such an honor to have Bishop Wayne there to welcome us. His sermon about respecting the dignity of all human beings was poignant and relevant to all present (and he's like 6'5"!). Plus, Jimmy and I play in the church band so our family and friends got to hear us play. Jimmy S is Sampson's Nouno (the Greek word for Godfather) and it was great to have him up there with us. Thanks to Rev. Jay for helping us through the process and leading a church we are delighted to be a part of.

After the ceremony, we had a reception back at our place. We took the opportunity to take some family portraits in the perfect weather.

Mom and Dad Vee

The Powers Family

Great-Grandma and Gramps


1 comment:

Colleen said...

I love both sets of this week's pictures!!! I'm a little sad that I'm going to Newark today and you and Sammy won't be there, but I hope you're having a superfantastic time with the family!!! The baptism outfit looks lovely, and I love how the pumpkin is so much bigger than him! Keep the cuteness coming!