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Friday, October 12, 2007

Bath Time and Play Time

I'm sorry I've been a slacker blogger, but this past week has been very busy (I posted two this week to make up for my tardiness)! We've traveled up to New York for a while since Jimmy has to travel for work for a few weeks. We left Mom Vee to look after the house... I bet she's having a party right now...

The trip up went smoothly thanks to Aunt Laura. She stayed down in Delaware with us for a few days so I would not be alone with Sampson. Then she rode in the back with him all the way up. She played with him when he was awake and made sure he had something to suck on when he was upset. I am certain the trip would have been more stressful in her absence.

Here are some photos of the fun we've been having for the past week:
Sampson loves bath time! He hated it when he was first born, but now it calms him and he's just learning that if he moves his arms it makes a delightful splash. The part he does not enjoy is the getting dressed after the bath. So we usually hang out in our robe for a while and warm up before attempting to put an outfit on. I think he looks like a little old man in this robe!

Mornings are Sampson's happiest time. He wakes up just once during the night and takes his fill of breast milk before nodding right back off to sleep. Believe me, I know how lucky we are! I really only lose half an hour of sleep in the middle of the night. He wakes up every morning around 6 and we have breakfast and a diaper change. Sometimes I even manage to put the (decaf) coffee on and eat a Luna Bar. Then, we put on Baby Einstein Playtime music and dance and sing and do some exercises. He loves loves loves moving around to the music! He also loves watching someone else be silly. Aunt Laura dancing around to the William Tell Overture was apparently very amusing for this little boy.

Sampson is a well-rested little one. He takes lots of naps during the day and is much happier when he does so. Too much action during the day makes a cranky baby in the evening. He can pretty much sleep anywhere once he is in his deep sleep. He falls asleep in funny positions, usually with his arms flailing somewhere. In this case, he clearly had a rough afternoon and needed to rest his head.

Sunday is usually a family day for us, a chance for us to catch up on our rest! On this particular Sunday, the men were resting while the Oma was folding laundry! Like father like son.

Sampson also enjoys a bit of television. He likes to put on his pirate pants (see below), have a tall glass of milk, and watch a little Sunday football. Thursdays, he watches Grey's ( of course), and he just started watching new episodes of Jon and Kate Plus 8 on Tuesday nights.

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