Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, November 19, 2007

Twelve Weeks Old

Sampson is twelve weeks old! He is starting to grip objects and drool a lot. He is very close to getting his entire fist into his mouth. He loves to smiles and talk to the little man in the mirror. His favorite spot (when not eating) is in the pack n'play with his little bee mobile. He winds up his arm and smacks the bees so they all dance around. It's good times. And his face... well it's pretty much dimplicious...

New toy! Now that Sampson can hold his head up, we got out the Rainforest Jumperoo. Auntie Colleen mastered the assembly and Sampson was impressed! Even though his little feet barely touch the floor, he is quite amused by toys right at his fingertips. I bet he'll be a jumping bean by Christmas.

And we had a special request to see more father-son pictures. Do you see a resemblance?


Anonymous said...

How absolutely adorable!!!

Diane said...

Could he be any more cuter? I think NOT! He is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE - definitely dimplicious!