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Friday, April 4, 2008

A Few of Sam's Favorite Things

Jimmy and I always joke that Sampson is going to grow up thinking that every song is written about him. One of our favorite hobbies is singing songs to Sampson and changing the words... especially Beatles songs. Some of our faves are "Sampson in the sky with diamonds," "strawberry fields for Sampson," and "Hey Sam" (instead of Jude). So yes, Sam does like brown paper packages tied up with strings. It's one of his favorite things. Here are some others...

In the last few weeks, Sampson has become much more aware of his physical abilities. He is fully mobile... in a backward direction! He is very dexterous and is skilled at both pushing buttons and bringing food to his mouth. When he take naps together, he often wakes me by poking at my face until I open my eyes. Nothing is better than opening my eyes to a smiley Sampson. Last week, I looked up from the computer and had figured out how to grab the sleeve of his shirt and yank his arm out. He thought this was endlessly amusing. Apparently, undressing himself has become a form of entertainment. I'll be impressed when he can unsnap his own onesies!

Sampson loves loves loves playing with boxes. On our monthly trip to BJ's, we give Sampson the boxes to play with while we put the groceries away. He likes when I stack them all up and he can knock them down and push them all over the floor. I try to give him different shapes and sizes and stack them all together so he can grab the big ones and flip them over to reveal smaller ones. And best of all, he likes to turn them over and bang on them like drums.

Sampson also really loves to play in the freshly clean cloth diapers. He likes to take them in his little fists and shake them. It makes him happy to kick at them and grab his toes. And he's all giggles when Oma takes one and makes it "dance" over him. When sitting up, I drape one over his head and he pulls it down for his own game of peek-a-boo. He's simply crazy for it.

His latest, and strangest, joy is head scratching. He backs himself up until he's against the bedroom wall. Then he tips his head over to the side and nods "yes." It's like he's a bear cub scratching his head on a tree stump! At first I thought it was just a coincidence that he was nodding while his head was tilted toward the door. But now it's a pattern that he finds his way over there, looks around for the door, puts his head up against it, and scratch scratch scratch! What a strange and charming habit...

And finally, what infant doesn't enjoy a good cigar every now and again? This photo was actually taken on New Year's Eve at the behest of Nouno. And those certainly are not "good" cigars! Sampson indicated that he wouldn't even consider smoking a Philly Blunt! He would, however, love to play with the box.


Anonymous said...

Sammy just gets cuter and cuter. I really enjoyed this post, and the photo series with the head-scratching. What a funny habit.

I have to tell you that Colleen was a backwards-mover for about 6 weeks around the same age. She figured out that her movements would take her backwards after a day or two, so she'd find the thing she wanted to get to (usually the bookshelf so she could pull everything down; had to move the Shakespeare collection and the dictionary), and then end up shimmying around until she'd gotten there.

One day, she ended up moving forward because she got all the crawling muscles lined up. And she was MAD! She stopped, sat up, cried for a few seconds, then regrouped and realized she could aim herself right at her intended target.

And she's been barreling forward, full steam ahead, ever since.

I'm glad she's your friend, and has pointed me at your 'blog.

Anonymous said...

i think that sampson puts his head against the door to scratch it, check to see if his head is dry or rashy, i don't want the little guy to be annoyed by that if it is

SarahKim and Jimmy said...

I knew Colleen was a backward-mover but I didn't know it was for 6 weeks! I keep thinking he's going to take off any day now, but I guess it might be a while.

Thanks for all your posts Theresa! I love love love reading comments. And I'm glad Colleen is my friend too.

SarahKim and Jimmy said...

Fav Sis of mine,
I put lotion on his little head everyday so that his head is not itchy. Will double check, but I think he just likes the feel of the door.

Colleen said...

my mom is such a mush... :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sarah Kim! You have a really cute blog; Sampson is so adorable.
Thanks for reading our blog and posting comments...I wish people would comment more. Thanks, also, for the digital pics from mom's group; Josie forwarded them along to me. You really take beautiful pictures.

Anonymous said...

SK, I think Colleen could have headed forward sooner if she'd wanted, but she got really good at getting where she had to go backwards. Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. My mom (Colleen's nana) was really worried about the backwards thing going on for so long. She says that it's important to crawl for a while so that you can learn how to read, but I never quite figured out that connection.

Colleen did indeed manage to learn how to read. You may have witnessed that phenomenon at some point during your friendship :-).

It will be interesting to hear how long Sammy keeps up the head-scratching. I agree that he's doing it because it feels good.